Status and prospects of application of microwave radiometry of the atmosphere
D.M. Karavaev, G.G. Shchukin
Mozhaiskii Military Space Academy, St. Zhdanov, 13, 197198, St. Petersburg
Keywords: радиояркостная температура, влагозапас атмосферы, водозапас облаков, профили влажности, профили температуры, В«влажнаяВ» задержка, валидация, brightness temperature, water vapor, cloud liquid, profiles of humidity, profiles of temperature, wet delay, validation
The status of the ground-based microwave radiometry in view of determining atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, water vapor, cloud liquid, and rainfall intensity is discusses. Approaches to solving inverse problems of microwave radiometry of the atmosphere, the results of experimental research of atmospheric water vapor and cloud liquid with the help of dual-frequency radiometer are described. The promising directions of the practical application of the method and means of microwave radiometry of the atmosphere are formulated.