Simulation of water vapor condensation. Four-point potential
G.F. Krymsky, S.I. Petukhov, G.S. Pavlov
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 677980, Yakutsk, 31, Lenina ave.
Keywords: водяной пар, четырехточечный потенциал, кластер, микромоделирование, water vapor, four-point potential, cluster, micromodeling
The simulation of vapor condensation on the water surface using the four-point potential for molecules is described. The parameters of the phenomenological model of vapor dissolved in water are reproduced as a result of microsimulation of the behavior of a cluster consisting of 55 molecules. Coefficient of sticking molecules on the water surface is calculated based on mechanical analogy with an elastic blow. The consent of microsimulation parameters with the parameters of the phenomenological model is obtained.