Method of estimation of sea water absorption spectra from data of passive remote sensing from board a ship using pure sea water properties
V.V. Rostovtseva
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, 36, Nakhimovski prospect, Moscow, Russia, 117997
Keywords: спектры коэффициента яркости моря, поглощение и рассеяние света морской водой, приустьевая акватория Черного моря, концентрации основных природных примесей - фитопланктона, растворенной органики (В«желтого веществаВ») и взвеси, spectra of the seawater surface radiance coefficient, sea water absorption and scattering, river mouth aquatorium of the Black Sea, main sea water admixture concentrations - phytoplankton pigments, dissolved organic matter (“yellow substance”), and suspended matter
An original method for calibration of spectra of the seawater surface radiance coefficient measured from board a moving ship with a three-channel optical spectrophotometer is proposed. The method is based on some peculiarities of pure sea water absorption. By this method application, the spectra of the sea water absorption can be obtained. Some results of processing of measurements in the aquatorium of the Russian Black Sea coast at river mouths are given. The efficiency of the calibration method application for radiance spectra measured under the impact of considerable cloudiness and wind is demonstrated. After the absorption spectra were obtained, the concentrations of the main natural seawater admixtures were estimated and compared with the direct measurements of water samples. It is shown that the developed method of sea water content estimation, which includes remote sensing of sea radiance coefficient from board a ship, calibration method with sea water absorption spectra determination, and estimation of the main sea water admixtures concentration, can be used for investigation of shelf and inland sea aquatoria because it does not imply any correlation between phytoplankton, dissolved organic matter (“yellow substance”), and suspended matter concentrations.