Multifrequency laser diagnostics of vibrational nonequilibrium gas media containing CO2 molecules
K.I. Arshinov1, O.N. Krapivnaya1, V.V. Nevdakh2
1Institute of Technical Acoustics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vitebsk, Belarus, Belarus, 210023, Vitebsk, prosp. Lyudnikova, 13 2Belarusian National Technical University, Belarus, 220013, Minsk, ul. Ya. Kolasa, 13
Keywords: колебательно-неравновесная газовая среда, молекулы СО2 , многочастотная диагностика, населенности колебательных уровней, поступательная температура газа, vibrational nonequilibrium gas media, CO2 molecules, multifrequency probing, level population, gas temperature
The technique for the multifrequency laser diagnostics of a vibrational nonequilibrium gas media containing CO2 molecules with the use of the unsaturated gains at the lines of the 0001-[1000, 0200]I, II and 0002-[1001, 0201]I, II transitions is presented. The influences of accuracy of gain measurements and a number of sensed lines on the accuracy of the level population and temperature determination are studied.