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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


E. G. Korotkih1, N. V. Nosenko2
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 160 Dobrolyubova Str., 630039 Novosibirsk
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 28 Vilyuyskaya Str., 630126 Novosibirsk
Keywords: компетентностный подход, языковая картина мира, лингвострановедение, семантика, оценочный компонент, competency-based approach, language picture of the world, cross-cultural studies, semantics, evaluation component


The modern situation in respect to the labour market poses new challenges to new higher institutions; it declares it is not enough to master the specialist’s knowledge and develop professional skills. It`s more important to build professional competence that will allow us responding to changing of professional conditions in appropriate way. The paper considers the linguistic component to be an integral part of the interdisciplinary language competence. Without understanding the socio-economic systems, knowledge of social and political cultures, the study of historical and cultural traditions that have shaped the way of people thinking we have to interact with, it is impossible to learn the language effectively and competently. There is a need to develop the skills of reading and understanding the encyclopedic information. Such information helps to understand the native speaker’s attitude to a particular object or a phenomenon that has its expression in the text through the evaluative component of the semantics of lexical units. Solving the problem of effective understanding of newspaper articles and journals relates to appropriate decoding of estimation-pragmatic component of the material. Generally the estimation is rendered as social attitude of the native speaker tonon-language object and language and speech facts. The authors pay attention to the fact that estimation in the press has its own peculiarities. Analyzing the evaluative component of lexical units in publicistic texts we proved that the evaluation in the media is almost always subjective, the traditional attitude of the native speakers and, as a consequence, the language assessment, seeks to indicate the location of an object or a phenomenon in the world picture objectively. No doubt, it is necessary to teach students to understand and realize the most widespread semantic processes, characteristic for functioning of language assessment in publicistic texts. The analysis the semantic changes in the structure of lexicon of newspaper and journal publications allows to speak about relevance of studying of such phenomenon, as specialization and socialization of an assessment. Thus, dealing with cross-cultural information while learning the foreign language in higher institutions allows considering interrelation between culture and language and shows real functioning of language means in authentic documents, regional geographic and publicistic texts; it promotes training of specialists in the aspect of cross-cultural dialogue between the countries.