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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


E.G. Korotkikh
State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: магистратура, модульная система, модульная программа, программа открытого/гибкого типа, проектирование учебных программ, вариативность модуля по учебным часам, вариативность модуля по месту в рамках курса, технологическая карта, Master course, modular system, modular program, open/flexible learning, program design, time-factor variability, turn-factor variability, educational technology guide-map


The article represents the investigation connected with the methods of foreign language teachingat the Master’s level. The author holds to the widely accepted opinion that teaching and learning offoreign languages as a part of Master’s curriculum is to meet the requirements of the modern world system of academic mobility. A lecturer of a foreign language masterclass is to make an effective use of the academic hours available. The module approach to the course design at the Master’s level allows a lecturer making effective combination oftraditional and student-centered methods of teaching and learning as the students differ a lot in respect to the level of foreign language fluency. The methods under consideration make it possible to overcome the difficulties connected with the evident discrepancy in graduates’ basic knowledge of a foreign language. The content-related component of foreign language curriculum for Master students is a part of teaching materials of the subject. The author speaks about teachers who apply the module approach and declares they tend to make content-related component and methodic component allow working on the strict rules but keeping the flexible adaptation and individual training at the same time. It is possible to speak about a number of definite methodic factors, corresponding to the graduate modular foreign language program. The structural components of a modular course are aimed at the general and professional competencies indicated in graduatesyllabus.Practical experience in connection with the use of modular course programs allows concluding that a foreign languageteaching as a part of Master’s curriculum responds to the needs of modern educational principles in case it is based upon the principles of modular approach.