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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


O.B. Gudozhnikova
Tomsk College of Social Technologies, 86 Voykova street, 634009 Tomsk region, Tomsk
Keywords: техникум, трудоустройство, ограниченные возможности здоровья, инклюзивное образование, социально активная среда, College, employment, disabilities, inclusive training, socially active environment


The paper declares that m odern conditions of market economy of Russia strongly influence the education. This deals especially with vocational training. Modern vocational schools are aimed at social support of students and their employment and not on gaining profit. The publication demonstrates this support by means of analyzing many years’ experience of Tomsk College of Social Technologiesin cooperation with the disabled students. The College builds socially active environment of increasing the quality of inclusive training and employment of this category of students. The environment is based on the development strategy and idea of the College as a centre of inclusive vocational training. This implies development of College in the following aspects: Effective organizational and pedagogical conditions;New mechanisms of organization resources for inclusive training;Comfortable conditions for self-realization of students.Many years’ experience of the College shows that disabled students need supporting in professional and social adaptation. Therefore, the author developed a concept of formation of socially active environment aimed at improving the quality of inclusive vocational training for Tomsk College of Social Technologies. The author considers the quality of education in respect to implementation of compulsory curriculum and elective courses based on cooperation with the members of labour market. As a result of accumulating the experience in education, the College developed the modern and innovative model of social support of the students, which is aimed at their successful social adaptation to the profession and professional environment. The social support is carried out by means of students’ participation in social projects, programmes and promotions.