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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


N.A. Duka, T.A. Mulendeykina
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: спортивная карьера, профессиональная самоидентификация, готовность к проектированию профессиональной карьеры, sports career, professional identity, readiness to project the professional career guidanceeer


The article is devoted to the problems of socio-professional personal identityof prospective sportsmen trained in higher institutions. The aim of this research is to determine the problems of socio-professional personal identity of prospective sportsmen.The authors pay attention to the problem of new theoretical realization of the notion “socio-professional personal identity of prospective sportsmen” which contributes to the theory of professional identity of the students and empirical studying of the personal problems related to socio-professional identity of the top-class athletes.The authors applied the following scientific methods asstudying of the status of professional identity, studying of values in the career “A career anchor”, studying of training motivation and questionnaires. The research involved 110 prospective sportsmen aged17-21.The research resulted in revealing the problems of socio-professional identity of prospective sportsmen.