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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


V. I. Kudashov, P. R. Valishin
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: профессионализм, модель профессионализма инженера, инженерно-технологическое науковедение, человеческий капитал, expertise, the model of engineer’s expertise, engineering science studies, human capital assets


The paper considers the problem of defining the nature of engineer’s expertise. The authors represent a three-level model of engineer’s expertise nature; it assumes scientific background, methodological and socio-philosophical one. The article analyzes the nature of expertise at the scientific level. Technical science studies include engineering science studies and bring together the block of specific knowledge in this branch. The complex of engineering science includes investigation on the engineering specialists’ expertise and implies specific scientific branch with its own system of engineering knowledge, activities, and methods of research and organization of scientific group. Each of the engineering sciences and investigations on engineering specialists’ expertise on the scientific level result in explanation for the corresponding notions. The notions have descriptive features due to the nature of expertise and regarding the general engineering science; they show versatile objective reality of an engineering subject, abilities and specific featuresof their applying in inventive and constructive design. The nature of expertise is revealed in specific aspects of subjectivity insight in the professional field.