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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


T. A. Rubantsova
Siberian Transport University, 181 D. Kovalchuk street, Novosibirsk
Keywords: гуманизм, гуманизация образования, рационализм, педагогическое пространство, отчуждение, humanism, education humanization, rationalism, pedagogical space, alienation


The paper is aimed at analyzing the problem of education as factor of humanization of society; it reveals the criterion of humanity and humanization of social development. The author supposes it is necessary to consider humanism as a value of a person; this is a valuable core of the Russian cultural tradition. The Russian philosophical thought is deeply humanic as it focuses on a person. his happiness, sense of his life and objective reality. The Russian philosophers as Berdyaev N., Florensky P., Karelin A. criticized humanism for being the basis of European civilization. Otherwise, the Russian philosophy objected to the Soviet character of European humanism, its Eurocentrism and anthropocentrism as it became a contradiction to the nature of Christian Russian philosophy. Humanism in its global meaning is a proclamation of human inherent value that makes a valuable core of Russian cultural tradition. The modern pedagogical space concentrates on the global crisis and necessity to search for society with humanistic focus. This search results in the educational system as two components of “Humanistic triad” i.e. science and art appeared in problematic situation. The educational system had been unchangeable for a long time and responded to the social challenges. However, the latest reforms demonstrate the weakness of attempts to change the educational system by means of liberal rationalization tradition. The paper reveals the main tendencies in education and its development, which can appear to be the instrument of Russian society humanization.