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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


Stefan KonstaЕ„czak
University of Zielona Gora, al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65-762 Zielona GГіra
Keywords: профессиональная этика, духовные ценности, этика, этические нормы и правила (моральный кодекс), образование, профессиональная ответственность, professional ethics, moral values, deontology, ethical codes, education, Professional responsibility


Professional ethics is treated as a part of all mankind output, and its teaching turns out to be an important element of preparation for taking part in culture. The society, in its own interest is interested in the level of moral qualifications, especially of those professional groups which protect values integrating culture. Our home prepares us to function in typical social situations but it does not teach us how to deal with performing professional roles. Therefore, deontology has been distinguished from ethics, the branch that deals with the sphere of human obligations at performing specific social and professional roles. The rules of deontology do not always have to be formalized in the form of ethical code. Some special requirements set to representatives of some professional groups result from the fact that they are constantly in “the service of the whole society”. For these reasons having professional ethics is a kind of distinction for a profession, and therefore an evidence of social trust. Enduing a given profession with the mandate of social trust indicates therefore the necessity of constant care about the level of duties’ fulfillment by all employees. People who perform a given occupation are also responsible for transfer and consolidation of rules of professional deontology among people preparing to a profession. The author indicates that for the reason of general consent to functioning of such ethics, in practice there is usually adopted a solution assuming that they are taught in the course of apprenticeship. This is the easiest and most effective solution.