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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 3


L. D. Rasskazov
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky underthe Ministry of Health in the Russian Federation, 124-401 K. Marks street, 660049 Krasnoyarsk
Keywords: кризис, мировоззрение, обучение, crisis, worldview, training


This article analyzes the consciousness and activities of social phenomenon of globalization. The problem research assumes limits and dead ends in the education system and the outlook of society, which are considered at the same time as the opportunities for the further development of mankind in the globalization era. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectic approach, which considers the consciousness-activities in the context of social phenomena as dynamic, complex and evolving process, where education plays the role of adaptive human mechanism in the system of socio-cultural values, responding to the challenges of our time in a time of crisis. The crisis of consciousness implies breaking links amongthe elements of the cultural-historical complex and the complex mind-activity making preconditions for new quality of society and the education system.The leading role of consciousnessin human history in the stabilization and crisis periodsis explained scientifically. The author indicates that transfer to general society where education transfers cultural values and is revealed as an institute, which builds active human personality able to solve the modern tasks and accumulates cultural and professional competence is provided by means of cognition of the nature and mechanisms of consciousness.The research results in the crisis approach where students’ education and training should be carried out in respect to crisis competence of the academic staff and students in educational,cultural, communicative, and business environment. The author regards crisis thinking of students and teachers as a criteria to estimate efficiency of crisis competence. Crisis thinking of students and academic staff allows to perceive the outside world infavorable terms and to reflect in respect to dominant social worldview.