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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 1


S. S. Malina
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Policy of Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: interaction of universities, business and the government, higher education, public-private partnership, innovative economy


The paper reveals aspects of state regulation of higher education system, the main problems and challenges of higher education development at national and regional level. Not close and strong relations between institutions and economy and social sphere resulted in the fact that education doesn’t correspond to the real needs of the region; it caused the lag of education from effective transformations in economy, social sphere and administrative area. The current situation requires strengthening of Novosibirsk authorities’ influence on higher involvement of institutions into solving tasks of social and economic development, and into competitiveness of Novosibirsk institutions in Russia. The public-private partnership mechanism is considered to be a mechanism aimed at increasing of higher education competitiveness and efficiency of higher education in innovative development. Taking into account limits in regional authorities’ power in respect to the state institutions regulation, the mechanism of public-private partnership can solve a lot of questions appeared when distributing authorities at national and regional level. The author suggests applying and involving higher institutions into implementation of regional projects targeted at dissemination best practical results related to qualified educational activity; this method is determined as one of the most efficient to motivate professional advancement and new progress. Applying of public-private partnership principles in higher education allows getting the following results: 1) High competitiveness of higher institutions; 2) Economic and social requirements in high-qualified staff; 3) Efficient involvement of higher institutions in solving tasks and problems of social and economic development of the country and region; 4) Diversified revenues of higher institutions’ budget by means of high commercial projects, scientific activity and for-profit education.