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Professional Education in the Modern World

2015 year, number 1


S. I. Chernykh
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: benefit, social benefit, individual benefit, education, education services, reproduction of education


The paper reveals a great variety of theoretical and practical research devoted to aspects concerning situation and development of education. The research points out education is more complicated and variable as those philosophic, sociological and economic doctrines which represent education. The scientists describe education in isolation from its immanent properties. The article tries to consider education as moral and material social and individual benefit. The author supposes this kind of consideration allows fulfilling its single way of studying when wealth of education assumes just some ways of its revealing. The author studied publications devoted to similar problem by E. Atkinson, G. Bekker, A. I. Dobrynin, S. I. Dyatlov, I. V. Ilinskiy, R. I. Kapelyushnikov, Ph.Mahlup, G. Schtigliz, T. Schulz etc. and pointed out limitation of institutional and structure-functional approaches to education. Limitation of institutional approach is revealed in “distant studying” of a person as a subject of education and not enough consideration of education as a moral phenomenon which is enhanced by the subject of education (person). Structure-functional approach focuses on studying social nature of education and defines functional significance to be the dominant development and “keeps distant” from its “general nature”. The publication mentions that considering education as a dialectic combination of social and individual benefit allows (from the author’s point of view) fulfilling these weak points and develop new approaches to studying the phenomenon of education. Consideration of this kind allows in its turn escaping extreme views in respect to education, matching education with society psyche or as a “service” or “fitting” its reproduction (as a “service”) with the value law.