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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


Ivanov I. V.1 and Gushcha R. A.2
1National State University of Physical Training, Sport and Health named after P.F.Lesgafta, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops named after the General I.K. Yakovlev under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: educational process, somatic education, model, health, vocational training, consciousness, physical development, self-control


The article considers two models of somatic education which allow improving body condition of cadets taking into account diagnostic results of body condition at entering higher institution in order to achieve final appropriate result. The models are structured in different ways and influence body and psychological features of a cadet with a focus on his individual morphofunctional and psychological parameters. The author underlines that when a cadet feels deeply, understands and accepts personality values of physical training and at the same time he is engaged in sport activity and healthy lifestyle then it leads to great positive impact. The authors applied existing method approaches in combination of educational aspect, development one, upbringing aspect in the research. They also focused on phenomenon of health protection as “unity of recreation activities necessary for functional, physiological and valuable parameters of a person aimed at health protection”.