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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


Izvekov I. N. and Zimovina O. A.
“Institute of Educational Technologies RAE”, 219/5 Vinogradnaya Str., Appt. 5, 354053, Sochi
Keywords: continuity, historic genealogy, genealogic values, genealogic culture, value-genealogic approach, identity, genealogic identity, complete educational milieu


The article analyzes situation in respect to theory and practice of genealogic culture development of young students on a basis of genealogic pedagogics in modern education. Genealogic culture as one of the components of general human culture possesses moral value-beginning, influences development of moral consciousness and feelings which provide ethical behavior of a person. The paper defines the concept of "genealogic identity" and "genealogical identification" which are essential for development of genealogic culture of personality. Genealogic identity reflects “picture of historic consciousness” built by means human necessity to reproduce and memorize the ancestors’ life. The picture of historic consciousness is based on genealogy, perception of own life by means of family history, small motherland, nation, country and homeland. The authors define genealogic identification as a process of self-consciousness as a subject of historic process which takes special place in modern social situation. The authors explain the concept of valuable-genealogic approach to development of personality genealogy in holistic educational environment of a family and institution. Family history genealogic research in motherland history is aimed at effectiveness of spiritually-moral education of young people through awareness of generations’ continuity; and it is represented as innovative technology development of genealogic culture. Problems of genealogic culture development and building of civil and professional world view of prospective specialists are revealed in the study guide on the course “Family history in motherland history: genealogy in higher education”. Prospective specialists were investigated taking into consideration family institute in social life and life of the country. The course is aimed at students’ inclusion into genealogic culture as it is considered to be the most important moral valuable component (individual one, family one, life component, ethnic component, human one, tolerant component and the state one) in the period of building democracy and development of civil society in Russia.