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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


Naumov R. Yu.1 and Ushakova E. V.2
1Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow, Russia
2Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: novations of philosophic education, kinds of substantial approach to the society, basis and superstructure, social genotype and social phenotype, society axiological basis, ontological and gnoseological analysis, variative approach, microlevel, macrolevel, global level, culture genesis


The article explains the problem of interaction between traditions and novations in socio-philosophic knowledge and education. The problem consists of their close interaction and connection with socio-political changes occurred in the society. The author pays attention to the periods of social resitudes failure which lead to changes in ideology and excluding of socio-political and socio-philosophic concepts. Sublation of the old often turns to be the simple and not the dialectic. This happened to the Soviet social philosophy and philosophic education in the beginning of nineties of XX. At that time publications were aimed at total sublation of socio-philosophic knowledge developed by many scientists in the Soviet period of scientfic development. The authors suppose that cognition development and the world a s a whole are subject to dialectics. It is necessary to transfer to the new knowledge by means of sublation of sublation, excluding the old dogmas but keeping knowledge creative “genetic core” made by predecessors. The author formulates the problem in gnoseological, methodological, axiological and educational aspects; it is an interaction between traditions and novations in philosophic knowledge on society when reaching integration and development in XXI century. It is a reflection of the interaction and novations in professional philosophic education. The paper reveals novational aspects of dialectic analysis of formation concept, basis and superstructure categories which reveal relations of primacy and replication, primary and secondary on the basis of synthetical dualism and philosophic consideration of the problem. It considers society basis as an essential moral and valuable parameter of social system, as a socio-cultural genotype or axiological fundamental of society. Thus, material and spiritual antithetical of basis and superstructure categories disappear as both of them appear to be dual ones. Then axiological fundamental component turns to be material and spiritual social genotype of society, the “core” of social society; and superstructure becomes material and ideal social phenotype and society “periphery”.