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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


E. N. Mikhailova
FSSFI HPE “Tomsk State Pedagogical University”, 75 Komsomolskiy Avenue, Room 513, 634041, Tomsk
Keywords: praxeologization, research, efficiency, distance environment


Development of science and Pedagogics in particular is impossible without carrying out research significant in scientific, theoretical and practical way. Every teacher involved in educational of different levels (from preschool training to post-graduate education) focuses on carrying out research. The paper reveals the concept aimed at increasing efficiency of teachers’ research and applying of distance learning. The author introduces new concept “praxeologization of research” and considers this process as combination of research efficiency. The author pays attention to the course “Praxeologization of teacher’s independent research” which is an important mechanism for successful teachers’ research. The course is based on praxeologization concept and specifics of distance learning Moodle. The experience shows efficiency of teachers’ research increases by means of defining the results and ways of its achievement. Applying of the distance learning Environment in postgraduate education allows getting the following effects:
— Engaging teachers, PhD-students and Master students in research activity by means of applying new technologies which allow meeting the most modern needs;
— Economic attractiveness of the university by means of arranging data base of high-qualified teaching resources and aids;
— Efficiency of education by means low labor-costs on lecturing and methodological activity;
— Risks minimization of participants of pedagogical research and risks minimization of unsuccessful research results. 
The results prove that the concept of the author is right and correct.