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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


N. V. Lezhneva
Chelyabinsk State University, 9 Razin Str., 457100 Troitsk
Keywords: innovations, preparation for innovative activity psychological readiness, students of agrarian institution


The paper explains necessity to consider a problem of students trained in agrarian higher institution and their preparation for innovative activity as an important characteristic of agricultural development. The article demonstrates the results of testing and questioning of students trained in agrarian higher institution; the results show that insufficient psychological readiness of prospective professionals for professional innovative is the main difficulty in initiative or involving into innovation activity. The author gives definition to the concept of innovation activity by means of structural approach; she determines it as an activity aimed at creating and applying innovations and undertaken in order to achieve good results. The activity measures personal success in interaction with social economic conditions of the definite period of society development. The article enumerates social and psychological factors defining specific procedure of innovation activity in agriculture; they are not high level of people education; high level of people indifference; low motivation to achieve results; preventing including innovations; lack of stereotypes of innovative behavior; low frustration tolerance; and high level of externality. The author suggests own type of psychological model of graduate’s personality in agrarian higher institution who is able to carry out innovative activity in difficult and complicated conditions of agricultural production. The psychological model includes general qualities and specific ones referred to activity in agriculture. The author refers the following features to the general qualities: motivation for personal fulfillment and success, creative thinking, developed logics and critical thinking, reflexive properties and self-adjustment of activity. Specific features include communicable and ecological competence, motivation to financial well-being, high level of internality, emotional resilience, self-acceptance and developed leadership.