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Professional Education in the Modern World

2014 year, number 4


E. V. Politsinskaya
Yurga Technological Institute (the branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurga, Russia, 26 Leningradskaya Str., 652050 Yurga
Keywords: graduate, labor market, competition, employment


The article deals with the problem of training competitive graduates. Nowadays there is a strong competition at the labor market. Young professionals, who are more qualified, trained that is more competitive get competitive advantages when being employed at highly-paid jobs. It leads to answering the questions what characteristics and qualities modern competitive specialist should have in order to meet employer needs? How to evaluate the level of competitiveness? The authors analyzed the concept of graduate competitiveness, considered different qualitative and quantitative characteristics of comparing and estimation of graduates competitiveness for solving the problem related to competitiveness of young professional. The research results in the fact that complex approach should be applied in estimation of graduate’s competitiveness. The article makes the following conclusions: 1. Graduates’ competitiveness depends on their professional competence which reveals in readiness for prospective professional activity. 2. Graduates’ readiness for prospective professional activity is an integrative characteristic including special competences; sustainable values in respect to prospective professional activity; and personal qualities. 3. There is a relation between graduates’ readiness for professional activity and implementation of the following features in university training: interaction of competency-based approach, context approach, learner-centred approach and problem one; training of students and applying individual educational programmes taking into account student values