The manifestation of solar activity in the sea surface temperature
K.E. Kirichenko, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, 126a, Lermontova str
Keywords: solar activity, geomagnetic activity, ocean, climate
The influence of solar activity on changes of ocean temperature is considered. The results are presented of the analysis of changes in sea surface temperature (SST), covering the time period from 1854 to 2012 and their relationship to variations of solar activity. The aa–index of geomagnetic activity was selected as a characteristic of solar activity. The changes are identified in patterns of relationship between SST and the aa–index and discussed in detail. It is found that the relationship between changes in SST and the aa–index shows considerable spatial and temporal inhomogenity and regional nature. It is determined that the most significant contribution of solar activity into changes in SST was observed in the period from 1910 to 1940, when the trend of increasing geomagnetic activity was observed both in the maximum and minimum values.