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Region: Economics and Sociology

2014 year, number 4

Regional Economy and Spatial Development: Critical Notes

Vyacheslav Seliverstov
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
Keywords: regional economics, spatial development, regional policy, strategic planning, territorial planning, mechanisms of development, modeling, regional models, interregional models


The article contains a review of the book «Regional economics and spatial developments». This edition is a new major milestone in the Russian educational literature, and it will certainly be popular among teachers and students in the related specialties both at the economics departments and at the area of state and municipal management. At the same time, the paper makes a number of comments and gives a few suggestions (e.g. no special section devoted to modeling spatial development of the country as a system of interacting regions, insufficient reflection of the domestic experience of regional and interregional modeling; not enough criticism when actual conditions of spatial development and regional policy in Russia are presented) which may be taken into account in the next edition of the book.