Results of determination of the middle atmosphere aerosol characteristics by means of two wavelengths lidar sensing and comparison with meteor radio echo measurements
V.A. Korshunov1, D.S. Zubachev1, E.G. Merzlyakov1, Ch. Jacobi2
1Russian Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Research and Production Association В«Typhoon», 4, Pobeda str., Obninsk, Kaluga Region, 249038 Russia 2Institute for Meteorology, University of Leipzig, Stephan str. 3, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Keywords: middle atmosphere, lidar, meteoritic dust, meteor smoke, meteor radio echo
Aerosol lidar sensing of the middle atmosphere (30-65 km) was fulfilled in Obninsk within a year. Two wavelengths sensing at 355 and 532 nm enabled the separation of Rayleigh and aerosol scattering inputs to lidar signals. An increased aerosol content is found within 60-65 km range. Monthly average data of lidar sensing are compared with measurements of the meteor radio echo number in Obninsk and Kollm (Germany). The correspondence of time dependences between two kinds of data is revealed, that indicates the meteor origin of aerosol. Possible physical mechanisms responsible for the appearance of the aerosol layer observed are discussed.