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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2014 year, number 4

Identification of Interconnections Between the Chemical Composition of the Water in Novosibirsk Reservoirand the Characteristicsof Zooplankton

Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Morskoy prospect, 2
Keywords: Novosibirsk Reservoir, water quality, hydrochemical parameters, zooplankton, hydrology


The mutual influence of the chemical composition of the water and the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton were revealed on the basis of the analysis of long-term data gathered during hydrochemical and hydrobiological monitoring of Novosibirsk reservoir. The influence of hydrochemical factors on zooplankton was connected with the peculiarities of the hydrological regime of the reservoir. High correlation between number of zooplankton and pH-values, concentrations of nitrites, nitrates and BOD5-values were revealed. The reservoir can be divided into three principal parts differing by the level of influence of hydrological factors and intra-reservoir processes on hydrochemical and hydrobiological characteristics of the ecosystem. It was shown that in general the intra-reservoir processes improve water quality by many hydrochemical parameters.