The Effect of Weather Variability on the Spatial and Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved and Suspended Nutrients in the Water of the Meromictic Lake Shira
1Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok 2Siberian Federal University, 660041, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodniy ave., 79
Keywords: meromictic lake, climate variability, stratification, seston, nutrients stoichiometry
During the period from 2007 to 2011 we carried out seasonal measurements of the depth of the thermocline and redox zone, and also of dissolved and particulate pelagic seston carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in saline meromictic Lake Shira (South Siberia). The study was done to evaluate the relationship between the variability of air temperature and values of these parameters. We observed positive correlations between air temperature in the preceding year and the depth of the redox-zone in winter, average air temperature in April and the depth of the thermocline in summer. The total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratio in the mixolimnion for almost all depths and seasons exceeded the Redfield ratio of 16:1. We observed the deficiency of seston both in nitrogen and in phosphorus during different seasons and at different depths. The amount of seston in the mixolimnion in summer almost doubled the amount of seston in the mixolimnion in winter and positively correlated with the depth of the thermocline. Throughout the year seston in the monimolimnion was relatively rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. The amount of seston in the monimolimnion differed between years and positively correlated with the preceding year’s air temperature and the size of this zone.