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Philosophy of Sciences

2013 year, number 4

M.A. Rozov on ideal theoretical objects [objects of a theory]

S.S. Rozova
Keywords: M.A. Rozov, object, theory, program, social relay


For a long time, we have known that scientific theories are constructed for ideal objects. Usually, we explain it by complexity of the studied reality. But nobody associated the fact that in science appear objects which do not exist really with the effect of Bohr’s complementarity. M.A. Rozov showed that ideal or idealized objects such as a material point are quite real social phenomena, viz social programs which emerged in scientists’ reflection spontaneously as realization of two complementary ways of setting forth conditions of theory application, i.e. when a theory is always applicable. However, there are no ideal objects in nature. A theory is always applied to real objects if a problem specification enables to identify them with ideal ones. There are an infinite number of such problems, so it is impossible to formulate a general rule of such an application. We need to act according to patterns. Conferring an ideal status on so called ideal objects is a consequence of indeducibility of their features [properties /characteristic / quality] from some material. Their features / properties are “recorded” [characteristic / quality is “recorded”] to social memory. Social relays transfer rules of the use of ideal objects from one scientist to another. These objects are phenomena of social reality.