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Philosophy of Sciences

2013 year, number 4

Natural philosophy tradition in antique natural history and Alexandrian school in the 3d century. Part II

D.A. Balalykin, A.P. Shcheglov, N.P. Shok
Keywords: history of medicine, history of science, Alexandrian school, antique natural history, Galen, Dionysius of Alexandria (the Great), Asclepiades, Plato, Aristotle


The paper deals with an urgent problem in the history of science, viz the mutual influence of natural philosophy and medicine in the 3d century. At the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3d century, an important turn came about in medicine: the theory was formed which began to predominate in this field all over the civilized space – Galen’s anatomic-physiological system. Also, the paper analyses in detail the special role of Alexandrian school in the development of natural science: it ensured synergy of antique philosophy and Christian theology.