Ecological Structure of Flora in Burns and the Stages of their Growth in the Llowland Pine Forests of the Altai Territiry
1Altai State Agrarian University, 656049, Barnaul, Krasnoarmeyskiy ave., 98–341 2Institute of Human Ecology of the SB RAS, 650025, Kemerovo, Leningradskiy ave., 10
Keywords: line pine forest, middle-Ob’ pinery, upper-Ob’ pinery, pyrogenic successions, burnt wood, ecological structure
Ecological structure of flora burnt depends on climatic conditions and geographic location. The secondary post-fire succession in lowland pine forests occurs rather rapidly, and after ten years the burns are at the stage of the formation of communities of patient plants. Pyrophyte plants become important in the formation of vegetation in burns. Formation of zonal vegetation types does not occur in ten years. A reduction of periods between fires leads to the fact that plant communities in flat pine forests are under constant influence of the pyrogenic factor.