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Professional Education in the Modern World

2013 year, number 1


N. V. Nalivajko, V. I. Parshikov, T. S. Kosenko, L. P. Zagoruliko, S. V. Kamashev, A. V. Nalivaiko, V. I. Panarin, A. V. Pugachev, S. I. Chernyh
Keywords: pedagogical education, reform, educational policy, market economy, education in the humanities


The acuteness of the problem of pedagogical education (PE) in the system of modern education in the humanities (MEIH) (right constructing of pedagogical education, taking into account the adequate development of MEIH) is connected with the necessity of searching for an alternative to the consumer society which is beginning to exhaust its possibilities. The consumer society forms consciousness of the people, who are easily exposed to manipulations, absorb the instrumental values and are directed toward material prosperity as the criterion of social success. And in PE the term «market of educational services » is used, PE is declared as a commodity, and offering educational services in PE and MEIH is declared as a profitable business. As a result of the process of transformation of the entire education, including the pedagogical one, into an element of the system of consumer society (consumerization), PE becomes a part of the status hierarchy, as a means of entering the significant for the consumer social group. Decreasing of the real quality of PE grows out of the expansion of the consumer ideology in this social sphere, which, in principle, cannot have the market nature. The goals and mission of PE is not only and is not so much the training of professionals for the educational practice, but formation new moral and intellectual values, new human qualities of the professionals.