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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Ecological Evolution of Ebracteates Section of Hydrophilic Genus Typha L.

A. N. Krasnova
I. D. Papanin Institute of Biology of Internal Waters RAS
Keywords: еcological evolution, Tertiary period, Pleistocene, the Poltava flora, the Turgay flora, section Typha, section Engleria (Leonova) Tzvel., genus Typha L
Pages: 461-465


Ecological evolution of the species of ebracteatae section of Typha L. genus since eozen is proposed. Typha and Engleria (Leonova) Tzvel. sections were formed in different geological periods and in different regions of Eurasia. The bloom of section Typha contacts the Poltava flora, while section Engleria was formed under the severe conditions of Arcto-Tertiary flora of East Siberia. A noticeable role in the ecological evolution of the sections was played by the West Siberian Sea.
Taxonomic variety and the sizes of areas of the investigated sections, with cold snаps outlined in Pliocene, came to the end in Pleistocene with depletion and insularization. The tendency to convergence in the evolution of the sections of Typha genus was outlined in Holocene.