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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Use of Maximal Heights for the Construction of the Growth Class Scale

V. V. Kuz'michev, V. G. Russkov
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
Keywords: course of growth, height, moment of maximal apical growth rate, height of maximal apical growth rate, growth class scale, Mitscherlich function
Pages: 447-452


Possibility to construct the growth class scale for Pinus sylvestris on the basis of the data on the course of growth of separate trunks with maximal height was analyzed. Two principles of the classification of tree stands over growth course are discussed: 1) over the parameters of Mitscherlich function - b1(upper limit), b2 (slope), b3(shape), 2) over the inflection of the curve of tree elongation (hm is the height at the moment of maximal apical growth rate, tm is the age of achievement of the maximal apical growth rate).