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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Change of the Structure of Hydrological Cycle in Connection with the Age and Recovery Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems

T. A. Burenina, E. V. Fedotova, N. F. Ovchinnikova
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
Keywords: West Sayan, native dark coniferous forests, second growth stands, forest logging, remote sensing data, landscape-hydrogeological complexes, transpiration, water balance
Pages: 435-445


Basing on the concept of the effect of landscape structure on the water regime of territory and on the space survey data for the basins of rivers on the northern macro-slope of West Sayan, the landscape hydrogeological classification of natural complexes was made and evaluation of their hydrogeological functions was carried out. At the background of general altitudinаl belt regularities, local features of the distribution of water balance characteristics were revealed.