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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Features of the Distribution of Biomass of Epiphytic Lichens on Pinus sylvestris (Lower Angara Region)

N. M. Kovaleva, G. A. Ivanova
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
Keywords: Lower Angara region, Pinus sylvestris, biomass, epiрhytic lichens
Pages: 429-433


Biomass of epiphytic lichens on Pinus sylvestris varies from 130 to 1090 g. The major biomass is comprised by the lichens of three genera: Bryoria (45 %), Hypogymnia (34 %) and Evernia (12 %). The majority of lichens are located on tree branches (96 %) in the zone of maximal development (at the height of 9-13.5 m) (66 %). The biomass of lichens on tree trunks is insignificant (4 %) and is concentrated by 70 % at the trunk bases.