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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Chemical Composition of Pine Needles under the Conditions of Aerial Technogenic Pollution by the Syktyvkar Timber Industry Complex

N. V. Torlopova, E. A. Robakidze
Institute of Biology Komi Scientific Centre UrB RAS
Keywords: aerotechnogenic pollution, chemical monitoring, pine needles, chemical elements
Pages: 415-422


The influence of PC "Mondi Syktyvkar Timber Industry Complex" on the chemical composition of pine needles was studied. Comparative anаlysis of the mineral composition of pine needles showed that the age dynamics of the concentrations of the majority of elements under investigation for the background region and for the zone affected by emissions have common trends. The total content of chemical elements in bilberry pine forests did not differ over the needle age or over the distance from the pollution source. Examination carried out in 2007 revealed that the total concentration of elements in the one-year needles of pine is higher than that in the needles of older ages. During the period of studies, a decrease in pine needle mineralization was observed under the conditions of pollution in comparison with the background territory. Under the aerotechnogenic emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides, carbon compounds, their accumulation in pine needles was not detected (except for the impacted region at 1.3 km).