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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Selenium Status of Omsk Region

N. A. Golubkina1, A. V. Sindereva2, O. A. Zaiko2, G. Alfthan3
1 Institute of Nutrition RAMS
2 Omsk State Agrarian University
3 Nationаl Institute for Health аnd Welfare
Keywords: Omsk region, selenium status, deficiency, correction
Pages: 389-396


The human selenium status in 32 districts of Omsk region was determined, serum selenium being in the range 73-116 µg/L. An indirect correlation was found between serum selenium concentrations and whole mortality, malignаncy from lung cancer, ovarian cancer and rectal cancer. Significant differences in selenium accumulation coefficient in plants were shown to depend on the type of soil. Methods of the human selenium status optimization are discussed.