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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Diatom Algae from Some Waterbodies of the North-Eastern West Siberia. Communication 2. Pennatophyceae

S. I. Genkal1, L. A. Shur2, M. I. Yarushina3
1 I. D. Papanin Institute of Biology of Internal Waters RAS
2 Institute of Computationаl Modelling SB RAS
3 Institute of Ecology of Plants and Animals, Ural Branch of the RAS
Keywords: West Siberia, phytoplankton, Bacillariophyta, Pennаtophyceae
Pages: 361-374


In the studied waterbodies of the north-east of Western Siberia, Bacillariophytas dominаte in the flora of planktonic organisms by species abundance. Among them, class Pennаtophyceae is distinguished by the highest species richness. The first electro-microscopic studies of pinnate diatom algae allowed obtaining complete data on the species composition of Pennаtophyceae at the modern level. 213 taxa from 53 genera including 98 new for the region, 56 new and rare for the flora of Russia and forms identified only to the genus have been found. The taxonomy of the genera Nitzchia, Stauroneis, Pinnularia, Navicula s.s. is the most rich.