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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 3

Evaluation of Specific Activity of Artifical and Natural Radionuclides in the Sink of Aerosol Matter into Forest Ecosystems

M. P. Tentyukov
Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center of UrB RAS
Keywords: atmospheric radioactivity, radionuclides, dry deposition, aerosol, radioecological monitoring, forest ecosystems, coniferous tree stand, passive sampling
Pages: 337-344


New procedure was proposed for the investigation of atmospheric radioactivity in the surface air layer through evaluation of specific activity of artificial and natural radionuclides in aerosol sink. Dry deposition of aerosol particles was described. Collection of aerosol is carried out using a passive sampler in which chemically inert fibrous and powdered materials are used as sorption substrate. Analysis of experimental results characterizing the features of radionuclide distribution in aerosol sink during their introduction into coniferous tree stand is presented.