A. ??. Bakuradze
Keywords: management, philosophy of management, value, worker, manager, social organization, motivation to work, satisfaction, non-satisfaction
Pages: 148-155
The problem of the value of the person in the philosophy of management is discussed in the article. Admitting the person as being the main value of the contemporary social organization makes it necessary that the manager creates motivation in it. This motivation will help to satisfy different workers' requirements while the efficiency of the work is high. Much attention is paid to the satisfaction of the workers with the process of the work and to the problem of satisfaction and non-satisfaction. The author proves that the manager who admits the value of the person must study the workers' needs, which determine their motivation to work, make it possible to satisfy these needs and also find and maintain the factors that influence the level of satisfaction, in spite of a contradiction between the value of the person and the value of effectiveness of the organization activity.