Rare Decorative Arboreal Plant Species in Collection of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology Komi SC UrD RAS
Pages: 315–321
Plant introduction is considered now as the most promising way of biodiversity preservation. Collections of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biololy KSC UD RAS contain over 3.5 thousand decorative plant taxa (species and varieties), of which about 150 species are rare and protected in various regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Among the arboreal plants growing in the arboretum, 26 taxa belong to rare and endangered species, of them 19 taxa are exotics and 7 are native species. Among the plants growing in a glasshouse, 7 arboreal species belong to rare and endangered ones, all being introduced from other floristic areas. The paper presents results of the studies on biomorphological features of rare species, plant mutability in the course of adaptation and plant reproduction capacity under new ecological conditions.