Small-size spectrometer for emission analysis of low-temperature plasma flows
V.I. Nalivaiko1, P.A. Chubakov1, A.N. Pokrovsky1, A.A. Mikhalchenko2, V.I. Kuz’min2, and E.V. Kartaev2
1Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 247–256
Calculation data for characteristics of concave holographic arrays are reported, allowing development of low-size spectrometers with medium and high spectral resolution. The holographic arrays were fabricated around new subnanostructured films of chalcogenide semiconductors. A medium-resolution, small-size spectrometer was used to measure the distribution of temperature in the gas flow emanating from a DC plasmatorch with sectioned inter-electrode insert by the relative-intensity method. Presently available methods for measuring the temperature of non-uniform optically thin plasma were employed. A comparison of spectral and thermophysical methods for temperature measurements is given.