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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 2

Density of indium antimonide at high temperatures

S.V. Stankus, R.A. Khairulin, and P.V. Tyagelsky
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 161–164

Abstract >>
The density of solid and liquid indium antimonide was studied by irradiating the samples with a narrow beam of monochromatic gamma-radiation in the temperature range of 293- 1950 K, including the range of melting

Thermal conductivity of gaseous refrigerant R404A

O.I. Verba
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 165–168

Abstract >>
Thermal conductivity of gaseous refrigerant R404A was studied by the method of coaxial cylinders within the ranges of thermodynamic parameters 309

Numerical analysis of the influence of angle of attack on turbulent flow around a thick Goettingen airfoil with vortex cells

S.A. Isaev1, P.A. Baranov2, A.G. Sudakov1, and V.B. Kharchenko1
1Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia
Pages: 169–186

Abstract >>
On the basis of the solution by multi-block computational technologies of Reynolds equations closed with the aid of the equations of the model of Menter

Reduction of vertical-gust induced loads on elastic airplane model with slotted-interceptor-type surfaces

A.Yu. Mazutsky
Chaplygin Siberian Research Institute of Aviation (SibRIA), Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 187–192

Abstract >>
Results of T-203 wind-tunnel tests of an elastic airplane model dynamically similar to Tu-204 aircraft equipped with a passive wing load reduction system are reported. The wing load reduction system comprised two auxiliary aerodynamic surfaces of the slotted-interceptor type installed symmetrically on the upper surface of the lifting wing at the boundary-layer height. It was found that, with the operating system, the additional bending moments induced by symmetric vertical discrete gusts in the wing root and at the fuselage mid-body decreased by 20 %, with simultaneous increase observed in the flexure-pylon flutter speed.

Improvement of gas-jet ejector discharge characteristics with heads, chevrons, and tubs

A.V. Sobolev1, V.I. Zapryagaev1, and V.M. Mal’kov2
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 193–200

Abstract >>
Properties of gas-jet ejectors with converging mixing chamber operated under critical and subcritical flow conditions are examined. Establishment of the critical operation mode in such ejectors started up with and without the secondary gas flow is considered. The mechanism underlying the emergence of flow pulsations at low rates of the low-head flow is described. Results of an experimental study aimed at the improvement of ejector discharge characteristics by chamber-length reduction and related mixing enhancement are reported. As flow-mixing elements, slotted heads, chevrons, and tubs are considered. The best discharge characteristics were obtained with nozzles provided with tubs.

Peculiarities of high-temperature two-phase flow of combustion products in channels with an intentionally structured system of shock-waves

A.V. Voronetsky, S.A. Suchkov, and L.A. Filimonov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Pages: 201–210

Abstract >>
Theoretical and simulation study was carried out for eliciting conditions when an intentionally formed system of oblique shocks can be used for control of parameters of condensed phase in supersonic flow. The key features of flow were analysed for two versions of duct, which are different in geometry of nozzle and acceleration headpiece. The results confirmed the feasibility of intentional impact on the structure of developing set of shock waves through changes in the duct profile: this would change the particle trajectories.

Measurement of dynamic properties of viscoelastic materials

V.M. Kulik, B.N. Semenov, and S.L. Morozova
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 211–221

Abstract >>
A new method for measurement of viscoelastic properties of materials, based on the exact solution of the problem of the forced oscillations of a flat sample loaded by inertial mass, is proposed. The device for these measurements is described. The elasticity modulus and loss tangent are measured within the frequency range from 100 Hz to 10 kHz at relative deformation of a sample below 1 %. The approximate formulas for calculation of viscoelastic properties are derived, and the conditions of their applicability are determined. The methods for expansion of the frequency range and measurement of materials with extremely high loss tangent are proposed. The proposed method is compared with the current Standard. It is shown that the new method has the higher accuracy and expanded range of parameter measurements, and the construction of device is easy and reliable, since it does not require the knowledge on the oscillation properties of vibration source.

Surface instability of the liquid turbulent flows in the open inclined channels

E.A. Demekhin, E.M. Shapar, and A.S. Selin
Kuban State University, South Scientific Center of RAS, Krasnodar, Russia
Pages: 223–230

Abstract >>
The flow of a viscous liquid layer in an open inclined channel under the turbulent mode is considered in this paper. To describe turbulent viscosity, the Van Driest model is used. The spectrum of characteristic values of the problem on linear stability of a plane-parallel flow is studied numerically. Parameters of the maximal growth waves are found out, the surface tension effect is studied, and theoretical results are compared with experimental data.

Growth criterion for small dry spots in the falling liquid films

L.I. Maltsev and D.S. Zavarzin
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 231–240

Abstract >>
In thin films of liquid falling over an inclined surface random (or non-random) small dry spots shut and disappear or expand into the large-scale dry spots depending on the initial spot sizes and parameters of the liquid film. On consideration of the gravity forces, inertial forces of the film and surface tension, affecting the elements of a roller surrounding the dry spot, we have formulated a criterion, which helped us to answer the following question: if this spot shuts or not? This criterion includes the numbers of Bond and Reynolds and the contact wetting angle as the determining parameters. It is generalization of the known Hartley

Measuring deformations of the heated liquid film by the fluorescence method

E.A. Chinnov, S.M. Kharlamov, A.V. Saprykina, and O.V. Zhukovskaya
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 241–246

Abstract >>
The fluorescence method was used to measure the instantaneous thickness field of the falling non-isothermal water film. The process of rivulet formation in a heated film was registered. Measurement averaging allowed determination of the degree of transverse deformation of a film. In the lower half of the heater within the interrivulet zone of the non-isothermal film, the wave amplitude decreases with a rise of the heat flux and reduction of the average thickness. Two zones of the heat flux effect on liquid film deformation were distinguished. At low heat fluxes, the film flow is weakly deformed. At high heat fluxes the thermal-capillary forces provide formation of rivulets and a thin film between them.

Small-size spectrometer for emission analysis of low-temperature plasma flows

V.I. Nalivaiko1, P.A. Chubakov1, A.N. Pokrovsky1, A.A. Mikhalchenko2, V.I. Kuz’min2, and E.V. Kartaev2
1Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 247–256

Abstract >>
Calculation data for characteristics of concave holographic arrays are reported, allowing development of low-size spectrometers with medium and high spectral resolution. The holographic arrays were fabricated around new subnanostructured films of chalcogenide semiconductors. A medium-resolution, small-size spectrometer was used to measure the distribution of temperature in the gas flow emanating from a DC plasmatorch with sectioned inter-electrode insert by the relative-intensity method. Presently available methods for measuring the temperature of non-uniform optically thin plasma were employed. A comparison of spectral and thermophysical methods for temperature measurements is given.

On optimization of thermal modes of the high-current thermal-emission cathodes

B.D. Tsydypov
Department of Physical Problems of Buryat Scientific Center SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Pages: 257–263

Abstract >>
Estimation criteria for contribution of the main energy sources and sinks to complex heat transfer of the rod thermal cathodes were obtained for the quasi-one-dimensional statement of the heat problem. Criterial relationships allow determination for operation temperatures of the high-current long cathodes. A method for optimization of the electrode thermal state was developed. Calculations by the criterial method correlate with the experimental results.

Computation of steady flow in the molten pool at electric-arc heating

R.M. Urusov and T.E. Urusova
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Pages: 265–276

Abstract >>
Peculiarities of the formation of melt hydrodynamics in the molten pool of electric arc as a result of a viscous interaction with the arc plasma flow and the effect of electromagnetic forces are considered. It is shown that in a relatively shallow pool, the role of viscous interaction with plasma flow predominates electromagnetic forces. In a deeper pool, the flow in peripheral upper region is formed as before by a viscous interaction between plasma and melt, and the electromagnetic forces dominate in deep regions.

Computation of steady thermohydraulic operation regimes of thermal networks from limited number of measurements

N.N. Novitsky and V.V. Tokarev
Melentiev Institute of Power Engineering Systems SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Pages: 277–286

Abstract >>
An extremal problem is formulated for computing the distributions of pressures, flow rates, and temperatures in the steady operation regime of thermal network of arbitrary configuration from data of measuring these parameters at individual network points. For its solution, it is proposed to use a non-conventional mathematical model of a non-isothermal flow distribution whose peculiarity is the invariance to flow directions, which are not known in advance. The approach and the computational scheme for estimating the parameters of the thermal/hydraulic regime are proposed and tested with a numerical example.

Heat exchange investigation and modernization of furnace of P-67 boiler of 800 MW unit

V.V. Bely1, S.V. Porozov1, V.V. Vasiliev2, A.A. Dekterev3, and E.S. Tepfer4
1Berezovskaya Power Plant-1, Sharypovo, Russia
Pages: 287–299

Abstract >>
For the purpose of the development and introduction of the arrangements aimed at increasing the slagless power, economy, and reliability of the P-67 boiler of the 800 MW unit of the Berezovskaya Power Plant No. 1, the variation of heat-engineering characteristics of the coal (lignite) of the open-cast mine

Design figures of high-temperature low-pressure combined steam-cycle power unit

A.R. Kvrivishvili
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 301–310

Abstract >>
The scheme and cycle of a promising highly economic coal-dust combined steam-cycle power unit are presented. The flow-rate, thermodynamic, and design figures of high-temperature sets (a coal-dust boiler and a high-temperature steam turbine) are considered.

80th Anniversary of academician Alexander I. Leontyev

Editorial Board
Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 311–312

Abstract >>
May 24, 2007 was the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist in the field of thermophysics  Professor, academician of RAS Alexander I. Leontyev. His colleagues, disciples, and friends congratulate Alexander I. Leontyev on his glorious jubilee and wish him good health and happiness.

70th Anniversary of Eduard P. Volchkov

Editorial Board
Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 313–314

Abstract >>
May 6, 2007 was the 70th anniversary of the well-known thermophysicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of RAS Eduard P. Volchkov. His colleagues, disciples, and friends con-gratulate Eduard P. Volchkov on his glorious jubilee and wish him good health, happiness and successes in his scientific activities.

80th Anniversary of Nikolay A. Rubtsov

Editorial Board
Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 315–316

Abstract >>
Professor Nikolay A. Rubtsov, a well-known scientist in thermal physics, winner of the State Award, celebrated his 80th anniversary on April 1, 2007. N.A. Rubtsov