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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 2

Measuring deformations of the heated liquid film by the fluorescence method

E.A. Chinnov, S.M. Kharlamov, A.V. Saprykina, and O.V. Zhukovskaya
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 241–246


The fluorescence method was used to measure the instantaneous thickness field of the falling non-isothermal water film. The process of rivulet formation in a heated film was registered. Measurement averaging allowed determination of the degree of transverse deformation of a film. In the lower half of the heater within the interrivulet zone of the non-isothermal film, the wave amplitude decreases with a rise of the heat flux and reduction of the average thickness. Two zones of the heat flux effect on liquid film deformation were distinguished. At low heat fluxes, the film flow is weakly deformed. At high heat fluxes the thermal-capillary forces provide formation of rivulets and a thin film between them.