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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 2

Peculiarities of high-temperature two-phase flow of combustion products in channels with an intentionally structured system of shock-waves

A.V. Voronetsky, S.A. Suchkov, and L.A. Filimonov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Pages: 201–210


Theoretical and simulation study was carried out for eliciting conditions when an intentionally formed system of oblique shocks can be used for control of parameters of condensed phase in supersonic flow. The key features of flow were analysed for two versions of duct, which are different in geometry of nozzle and acceleration headpiece. The results confirmed the feasibility of intentional impact on the structure of developing set of shock waves through changes in the duct profile: this would change the particle trajectories.