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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2007 year, number 1

Position of Brown-Blanke Method in the Investigation of Biological Diversity of Plants

V. B. Martynenko, B. M. Mirkin, O. Yu. Zhigunov


The high explanatory potential of Brown-Blanke method for the investigation of biological diversity of plants was demonstrated for the forests of two reserves of the Republic of Bashkortostan as examples. The method allows one to establish the types of plant communities of different ranks in the most formalized manner and to estimate on this basis beta diversity of specific territories, as well as absolute and relative synthetic alpha diversity of the communities. It was shown that higher relative synthetic alpha diversity of the communities of forests of Zhulgan-Tash reserve is a reason of higher gamma diversity, in spite of the fact that this reserve possesses smaller area and smaller hyperspace of environmental conditions in comparison with the Bashkyr reserve.