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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2006 year, number 4

Analysis of Morpho-Ecological Features of Opisthorchosis and Metorchosis Pathogens in the Novosibirsk Region

S. M. Sous


The present communication deals with the diagnostics of helminthic diseases opisthorchosis and metorchosis; humans and animals get infected from carp fish of water bodies in the Novosibirsk Region. Differentiation of the pathogenic trematodas Opisthorchis felineus and Metorchis bilis at the stages of ovum and metaschistosome is only weakly developed at present. The analysis of morphometric fetures and shape of ovum, larva stages - schistosome and metaschistosome, and adult worms allowed us to reveal the differences in these species at each stage of their development. Ovum of opisthorchis and metorchis differ in shape and the length to width ratio for the same length, which can serve as the diagnostic feature in the case of reliable differences. Metaschistosomes of opisthorchis and methorchis differ by the shapes of cysts and their larvae enclosed in cysts. The cysts of the two trematoda species differ by the ratio of length to width, thickness of hyaline shell to cyst length, cyst length to the diameter of abdominal suckers, and to the length of excretory bladder.