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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2003 year, number 1

Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis with the Use of a Porous Catalyst Packing. Feasibility Study of Performing Multiphase Catalytic Process Using Permeable Composite Monoliths

A. G. Sipatrov, A. A. Khassin, T. M. Yurieva, V. A. Kirillov, G. K. Chermashentseva and V. N. Parmon
G. K. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pr. Akademika Lavrentyeva 5, Novosibirsk 630090 (Russia), E-mail:


A novel scheme for the organization of the three-phase process has been proposed, basing on a new type of a stochastically organized porous and catalytically active composite monolith (PCM). The high catalyst loading (1 g/cm3) and high heat conductivity (3 W/(m K)) make this new material very attractive for exothermic multiphase processes, e. g. for the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. The possibility of preparing strong PCMs with the permeability of 10–500 mDarcy has been demonstrated. The gas-vapor phase flow through a PCM particle can be performed via transport pores which diameter was measured as 4–10 mm. The pressure drop has been shown to be reasonable for the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. The effectiveness of the PCM usage at 0.1MPa, 210 °C has been found to be above 70 %. PCM material was concluded to be the prospective