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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2002 year, number 2

Microbiological Composition of Fluvial Waters of the Upper and Middle Ob Basin



New data on the bacterial flora of fluvial waters of the upper and middle Ob basin obtained in the course of comprehensive ecogeochemical studies in 1990-1998 are described. Some important peculiarities of microbiological composition of waters have been established: 1) in the quantitative composition of chemotrophic bacteria prevalent are microorganisms adapted to inhabiting a milieu with a lowered content of complicated organic compounds; 2) in fluvial waters, bacteria oxidizing hydrocarbons and phenols are ubiquitously spread; 3) among the rivers studied, conspicuous is the Tom, the biological composition of whose waters witnesses to the greatest anthropogenous load on aquatic ecosystems in the region under consideration. The anthropogenous influence is manifested in a short-term increase of various groups of microorganisms. In some cases, the increas in the numbers of bacteria is due to natural factors among which of great importance is the the enhancement of surface washing-off from the water taking areas during floods. P. 173-180