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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2001 year, number 7

Electrical Characterization of the Interface in Unitype Silicon Structures Obtained by Means of Solid-State Bonding

Alexander K. Fedotov1, Alexander A. Mazanik1 and Kira L. Enisherlova2
1Byelarusian State University,
Pr. F. Skoriny 4, Minsk 220050 (Byelarus)
2GUP NPP "Pulsar", Okruzhnoy Pr. 27, Moscow 105187 (Russia)


The properties of the interface in isotype structures formed by solid-state bonding (SSB) of silicon wafers with the same type of conductivity are investigated depending on the technology of bonding. In order to reveal the role of oxygen in the electric properties of the interface, bonding was carried out both using the wafers coated with the natural oxide (not thicker than 1-2 nm) and using specially oxidized ones (with silicon oxide layer up to 20 nm). The investigation of bicrystals bonded after bringing together in air or deionized water, demonstrated that in this case the electric activity of the interface is determined mainly by the degree of its enrichment with oxygen and contamination of the surfaces of wafers to be bonded with acceptor impurities (presumably aluminium). Electric activity of oxygen-free interface in the structures obtained by combining wafers ion etching and annealing in vacuum depends mainly on mismatching of the lattices of wafers to be spliced. The properties of SSB structures with the buried oxide layer obtained by bonding of the silicon wafers of n-type conductivity are determined by the contamination of the bonding interface with an acceptor impurity.