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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 3

Changes in the atmospheric circulation regime versus global climatic trends in the Atlantic-Eurasian sector of the northern hemisphere

1Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
2Vavilov Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering, Saratov, Russia
3Russian Research and Design-Technological Institute of Sorghum and Corn, Saratov, Russia
Keywords: Earth’s climate system, global warming, climatic pressure fields, climatic variability, atmospheric circulation

Abstract >>
We examine changes in the baric field of the AT-500 hPa surface during two natural periods of the Earth’s climate system: the period of stabilization, and the second wave of global warming consisting of the active phase, and the phase of deceleration in warming. The study area includes the Atlantic-Eurasian sector of the hemisphere, which is characterized by the highest weather-climatic instability. The analysis of climatic fields was carried out for January and July. It has been established that both in January and in July, the highest degree of zoning is characteristic of the active phase of the second wave of global warming. In January, a west-east shift of the climatic baric wave from one natural climatic period to another was revealed. The western shift was observed during the period of stabilization and the phase of deceleration in warming. The eastward movement of the wave took place in the active phase of the second wave of global warming. In July, against the background of the west-east shift of the baric wave over most of European Russia, an anticyclonic source was formed during the deceleration in warming, which indicates an increase in the frequency of anticyclones over this territory. It is suggested that such a restructuring of the pressure field contributes to an increase in the role of summer transformation processes in current warming.

Geographical patterns of river channel meandering in Russia

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: channel processes, channel bends, branching, arm bends, small-scale map, zoning

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For the first time, a geographical analysis is made of the manifestation of various forms of meandering of river flows and conditions for occurrence of bends of channels and bends of branches of channels is given. It is shown that the instability of rectilinear movement of the flows, causing their sinuosity (meandering), is reflected primarily in the formation and development of river bends (formation of meandering channels) which are the most common morphodynamic type of channel in small and medium-sized rivers. It has been established that channel bends dominate in the rivers of the southern part of the East European Plain, in Western Siberia, and in other lowlands which are characterized (according to geological and geomorphological conditions) by the free development of channel deformations. In large rivers of these regions, bends are complicated by islands on their wings or in the apical parts, whereas in the Lower Volga, and the Middle and Lower Ob, which belong to the category of the largest, are characteristic for the arms of bifurcated channels (Volga, Akhtuba, and Malaya, Gornaya and Bolshaya Ob). It has been revealed that a specific feature of meandering and branching channels is floodplain-channel branching with meandering arms (up to 3-6 bends each). In branched rivers of any type, the meandering process manifests itself in the formation of branching arms, and in rectilinear unbranched channels - in the sinuosity of the meandering flow among side channels located in a staggered order. In conditions of limited development of channel deformations (the north-west of the European territory of Russia, and Central Siberian plateau), incised bends and bends of branching arms of the incised channel on large rivers prevail. In areas of complex geological and geomorphological structure, there occurs a complex alternation of free and incised bends, and a braided channel with bends of branches of the incised and broad floodplain channel. In mountain rivers there occur incised bends and structurally conditioned bends of the channel. The distribution of various forms of meandering is displayed on a small-scale map which combines the zoning for small and medium-sized rivers and the linear form (off-scale strips) for large and major rivers.

Geography and geoecology of Russia in the mosaic of river basins

1Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
3Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
Keywords: basin geosystems, GIS, erosion, geoportal, modeling, river flow

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For the first time, an electronic vector map of small river basins and their interfluves with a regional level of spatial detail (1:1 000 000) was created using GIS-technology for the territory of mainland Russia with a total area of almost 17 million sq. km. Global model GMTED2010 was used as a digital elevation model. The total number of basin geosystems is 388 627, and their area averages 47,8 sq. km. The selected basin geosystems were used as operational-territorial units, in relation to which the geodatabase was created, characterizing the natural resource potential and geoecology of Russia. Open access geoportal “River basins of the European part of Russia” was created for a large part of the country, where all information thus obtained is posted. The article provides examples of solutions based on the previously formed GIS and the basin approach. A digital mosaic of small river basins makes it possible to “collect” territories of different scale (from local to transregional) and different taxonomy (from catchments of large rivers to federal districts of Russia) for geographical analysis. Such examples are given with the creation of specialized GIS for the Great Rivers of Siberia: the Ob and Lena, and a number of federal districts: the Volga and Siberian districts. Based on the map thus created of basins and GIS, a number of major geographical and geoecological problems are solved: evaluation of current intensity of soil erosion, density of gully erosion, modeling of river runoff and anthropogenic impact on basin geosystems.

Higher classes of geographical complexes and layered structure of the geographical sphere

Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: landscape sphere, technogenic, anthropogenic, geocomplex, geosystem, landscape, diversity, classification

Abstract >>
The objective of this paper is to clarify the system of higher classes of geographical complexes and, on their basis, to identify natural and natural-technogenic types of layering of the geographical sphere as well as to discuss the landscape sphere concept. A model of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) is proposed on the basis of vertically alternating layers, each of which is a set of laterally bordering landscape level geocomplexes on the boundary of partial geospheres (atmo-, hydro- and lithosphere) or within one of them. The classification scheme of seven divisions (classes of the highest rank) of natural geocomplexes is justified: atmolithospheric (terrestrial), hydrolithospheric (bottom (underwater) and glacial-mineral (subglacial)), atmohydrospheric (air-water (water-surface) and air-glacial), atmohydrolithospheric (amphibious and glacial), atmospheric (air), hydrospheric (water and glacial), lithospheric (underground (mineral)) geocomplexes. The classification of geocomplexes serves as a single basis for a comparative analysis of the most diverse parts of the geographical sphere. This approach makes it possible to display not only the layering, but all aspects of the spatial structure and can be used not only at global and regional, but also at local levels. The same model allows us to reflect anthropogenic changes of the spatial structure. Four natural types of layering structure of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) are distinguished: terrestrial, amphibious (continental and marine) and glacial, mid-deep-water (marine and continental) and glacial, deep-water (oceanic and marine) and glacial. Five technogenically altered (natural-technogenic) subtypes of layering structure were identified: two in the terrestrial and one in each of the others. The concept of the landscape sphere as part of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) along the contact zones of partial geospheres is supplemented by the idea of the landscape sphere as a sphere confined to the outer boundary of the lithosphere. In this version of the concept, the landscape sphere is formed by geocomplexes of three classes: atmolithospheric, atmohydrolithospheric and hydrolithospheric.

Current status of specially protected natural areas of Omsk oblast

Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: natural capital, “green” economy, restoration of biological and landscape diversity, effective functioning of specially protected natural areas, mechanism of public-private partnership, increase in the area of specially protected natural areas

Abstract >>
In view of the growing problem of global depletion of natural resources, the concept of sustainable development and natural capital as relevant tools for environmental management has been considered. The place of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) in the structure of natural capital is indicated. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the network of SPNAs and their changes from 1992 till the present, corresponding to the recommendations of the world community within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, are examined. Countries with the most successful networks of SPNAs are highlighted. The problem of compliance with the international requirements of networks of SPNAs in various regions of the Russian Federation is outlined. An assessment is made of the network of SPNAs by using, as an example, Omsk oblast in terms of important structural indicators and recommendations for its improvement. The present state of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast as an important part of natural capital of the region is considered. Data on the modern structure of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast are presented. An uneven distribution of SPNAs across the region’s territory, a small number of SPNAs of the “natural park” category and the absence of SPNAs of federal significance were revealed. Changes in the number of SPNAs in 2015-2020 were analyzed, and data on changes in the number of SPNAs according to the categories for the given period are presented. A reduction in the area of SPNAs in the region was revealed. Recommendations are given for improving the efficiency of management of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast. Experience of foreign countries in using the public-private partnership mechanism to improve the effectiveness of SPNAs and attract private investment in this area was considered. The Strategy for the development of the system of specially protected natural areas in Omsk oblast for the period into 2030 has been considered. The purpose, objectives and principles of the implementation of the Strategy in the field of the organization and functioning of SPNAs are defined as well as the main directions of the activities of state bodies to increase public support for SPNAs and create conditions for the promotion of educational tourism.

The regularities of potassium sorption by soils in Western Transbaikalia

Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: potassium, isotherm, Langmuir equation, Freundlich equation, coefficient

Abstract >>
The regularities of potassium sorption from an aqueous solution of KCl were studied using three types of soils (peat lowland, light chestnut, and alluvial turf) formed in the conditions of Western Transbaikalia and their treated analogues. Potassium sorption in soil was measured in laboratory conditions using an experiment in which soils were balanced with a solution with different initial concentrations of KCl (0,5, 1,0, 3,0 and 5,0 mmol/L) for 24 h. The resulting potassium sorption isotherms were described by the Langmuir and Freundlich equations. The parameters of these equations indicate inhomogeneities of the bonds of potassium ions with the solid phase of soils. The maximum potassium uptake by the soils under study varied within 53,2-87,8 % at the initial concentration of the introduced solution of KCl in 1 mmol/L, while the distribution coefficient (Kd) of potassium between the solid and liquid phases of the soils used in the study varied from 11,37 to 72,11 L/kg. The highest value of Kd was found for peat-lowland soil and the lowest value for alluvial turf. The patterns of changes in potassium Kd correlate with the degree of its absorption by the soil. The maximum sorption capacity of potassium by the soils under study varied in the upper humus horizons from 54,05 to 98,04 mmol/kg, and in the lower horizons from 35,71 to 100,0 mmol/kg. The values of the KL coefficient of the Langmuir equation in humus horizons were slightly less (0,272-0,668 L/mmol) than in mineral horizons (0,102-1,511 L/mmol), which indicates that potassium binds more strongly in mineral horizons. The coefficient KF of the Freundlich equation in humus horizons varied from 9,98 to 23,51 mmol/kg, and in mineral horizons 6,63-26,77 mmol/kg. It was established that the soils under study are characterized by a different sorption activity with respect to potassium and form the following decreasing series according to the level of potassium absorption: peat lowland > light chestnut > alluvial turf.

Landscape studies of the goletzes in Cisbaikalia

V.B. Sochava Institue of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: goletz geosystems, modern exogenous processes, Barguzin Range, Baikal Range, vegetation, large-scale mapping

Abstract >>
Presented are the results of terrestrial landscape studies obtained in the goletzes of the Barguzin Range and Baikal Range. Modern exogenous processes of relief formation, which change the structure of glacial geosystems, are considered. Profiles for further large-scale research into geosystems have been laid in the key areas. It has been revealed that on the Barguzin Range, rocky watershed and corrie complexes, and steep-slope rocky-coarse-clastic, slope-shrubby dwarf mountain pine-steppe complexes predominate. On the Baikal Ridge, the landscape structure of the key area consists of rocky, steep-slope rocky-coarse-clastic, and slope dark coniferous complexes of reduced and limited development. Using satellite images, topographic maps and results of ground route surveys, landscape maps of key areas were created. The basic unit of mapping at a scale of 1:50 000 is represented by a group of facies which is characterized by the similarity of locations and by the belonging of plant associations to one group, and soil phases - to one genus, which represent homogeneous natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems of topological level. Groups of facies are differentiated with respect to the regime of moistening in different areas, geological and structural features of rocks, the position in the relief (the relation to the altitudinal belts, steepness of slopes and exposure, and the effects of barrier shade and insolation), and the altitudinal-belt differentiation of soil and vegetation cover. It is concluded that the modern structure of goletz geosystems of Cisbaikalia is experiencing changes associated mainly with climate warming. Conditions are being created for soil formation, overgrowth of rubbly areas with pioneer vegetation, expansion of dwarf mountain pine-clastic, yernik and alder shrub habitats.

Soil transformation along the coast of Baikal due to lake level fluctuations (Irkutsk oblast)

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: soils, hydrogenation, environmental damage, water discharges, Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Plant

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As a result of soil-geochemical studies, we determined the degree of hydrogenic transformation of soils on the most developed and periodically flooded territories of the western and southern coast of Lake Baikal. Indicators were selected and a scale was proposed for a point assessment of hydrogenic transformation of soils and soil cover. The following indicators were used as indicators of hydrogenic transformation of soils and soil cover: morphological signs of hydromorphism; soil pollution; reduction of physical clay content; increased area of exposed soil-forming and underlying rock; reduction of humus reserves; the area of natural forage land and arable land removed from land use, and others. An assessment is made of the environmental damage caused to the soil cover of the coastal area as a result of the influence of fluctuations in the lake level. It was revealed that most of the key areas of the western coast of Lake Baikal are characterized by an average degree of soil transformation. A high degree of soil transformation is noted at the mouths of the Goloustnaya and Anga Rivers, on the coast of the Gulf of Shida and Lake Ulan-Khan. On most of the study territory of the southern coast of Baikal (the mouth of the Snezhnaya, Utulik, Pokhabikha and Kultuk Rivers), a high degree of transformation of soil cover was established, where anthropogenic impact is also observed. In all periodically flooded soils of the lake coast, geomorphological signs of hydromorphism are observed, and in some areas there occur processes of increasing the fraction of physical sand, sediment from organic remains of dead vegetation, a decrease and increase in humus reserves, a decrease in the area of forage land. Increased concentrations of petroleum products and some heavy metals were detected in the soils of the estuaries of the southern coast of Lake Baikal. The soils of most of the key areas are characterized by low levels of plant nutrients.

The underwater relief of the Goloustnaya-Krestovka area in South Baikal

1Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irtkutsk, Russia
2V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: bathymetry, digital model, tectonics, erosion and gravity processes, landslides, gas hydrates

Abstract >>
Based on analyzing a Digital Elevation Model, we obtained novel evidence for the bottom surface at the junction between the Northern and Southern basins of the South Baikal Depression. The topographic patterns revealed for the north-western slope and the abyssal surface of the site are largely due to high seismic activity and complex fault structural organization of the territory. Fault structures limit the site from all sides, determine the direction of the north-western and south-eastern sides of the site, diagonally dissect its surface, and determine the direction of underwater valleys of canyons, the features of their transverse and longitudinal profiles, the direction and initiation of erosion and gravity processes. Active erosion and gravity processes favored the creation of a well-developed ridge-ravine relief on the slopes of the Posolskaya Bank, the delta-front of the Selenga River and the Kukui Crest. Further to the north, when approaching the surface of the Buguldeika-Selenga bridge, the amplitude of tectonic movements decreases, which has led to a decrease in the depth of the incision and the extent of ridge-ravine forms. On the slopes of delta-front and Kukui Crest, in addition to ridge-ravine forms, landslide structures and concentric forms are of wide-spread occurrence, the formation of which is also associated with active seismotectonics of the territory. It is shown that gas-saturated precipitation plays only a minor role in the intensification of landslide processes on the underwater slopes of the lake. Ñatastrophic landslides due to the decomposition of accumulations of gas hydrates at low lake levels and temperatures in modern environmental conditions are unlikely.

The role of ecological resources of boreal and nemoral forests of the Volga River basin in the attenuation of global warming

Pushchino Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Pushchino, Russia
Keywords: forest ecosystems, indigenous and derivative forests, biological cycle, climate change, carbon balance, ecological resources of forest cover

Abstract >>
A forecast landscape-ecological analysis is made of the forest cover of the Volga River basin, with a focus on the problem of absorption of greenhouse gases by ecosystems and their adaptation to global warming, the solution of which is in line with the goals set in the Paris (2015) Agreement. Empirically substantiated are the well-known conceptual provisions on the capacity of the ecological resources of forest cover to additionally absorb greenhouse gases using the mechanisms of regulating the carbon cycle under climate change. The absorption potential of indigenous and derivatives of boreal and nemoral forests has been established, and their ability to mitigate climate changes, including reducing anthropogenic warming, has been evaluated. A quantitative assessment is made of the loss of environmental resources by the forests of the Volga River basin since the beginning of intensive forest and land use in it. Contrasting changes in the ecological resources of boreal and nemoral forests in the process of their structure transformation due to global warming were revealed. A verification of the forecast calculations of the carbon balance, carried out on the basis of remote sensing and ground-based measurements in the boreal forests of Central Canada, gave positive results only in the first decades of current warming.

Agroecological aspects of the formation of the structure of arable land use in Irkutsk oblast

A.A. Ezhevskii Irkutsk State Agrarian University, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: structure of arable land, humus, clean fallow, organic matter, soil

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We examine the present status of the main type of agricultural land, namely arable land. An assessment is made of the growing negative trends in the ratio of the main biological groups of agricultural crops and clean fallow when using arable land. With such a structure of the use of arable land and crops in soils, a negative balance of organic matter - humus, the main indicator of the favorable agroecological state of soils, has developed. In large agricultural enterprises, the share of clean fallow reaches 24,8 %, and in peasant farms the share reaches 30 %, which together with grain crops makes up 71-80 % and characterizes the farming system as an extensive type of grain-fallow system. The proportion of perennial grasses and siderates is extremely low and does not allow maintaining the balance of humus at the level of deficit-free. It is shown that in most agricultural areas there is a grain-fallow system of using arable land, the structure of crops is dominated by spring wheat, which is practices in clean fallow. This is due to the fact that in conditions of high cost and shortage of mineral and organic fertilizers, it is impossible to increase the yield of wheat by non-fallow precursors, because the level of natural fertility of the soils in Irkutsk oblast without fallowing and fertilizers does not exceed 13-15 centers/ha. To eliminate the imbalance of organic matter content in the soils of the region, it is proposed to replace some of the clean fallow lands with sideral ones and increase the proportion of the areas of perennial grasses, while the optimal share of grain crops should make up 45-50 % in the structure of arable land.

Regional aspects of returning fallow land to agricultural use (Republic of Buryatia)

1Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
2Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
3Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
4V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: agricultural land use, post-agrarian landscapes, recultivation, phytocenoses, mathematical model, efficiency

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A brief analysis is made of the agricultural land use in the Republic of Buryatia with a focus on the regional aspects of returning fallow lands to agricultural use. Geobotanical descriptions are provided for the abandoned arable lands along the middle reaches of the Selenga River (Southwestern Transbaikalia), the degree of overgrowth and the current status of tree and shrub vegetation. A characteristic is given to the structural-dynamic organization of plant communities in the key areas which are currently used as natural forage areas. The main species of plants are identified, which characterize the current status of vegetation cover in different areas of post-agrarian landscapes. It is found that the arable lands, which were abandoned as a result of the agrarian reforms of the 1990s, are used as pastures and hayfields. Natural forage lands are not withdrawn from agricultural turnover and are used with a different degree of intensity. The regeneration potential of vegetation (long-term regeneration successions) is low. This is due to the specific character of the physical-geographical conditions (the duration of dry periods) of the study area and of the region as a whole. We developed the economic-mathematical model which permits assessing the efficiency of the return of fallow lands to agricultural use. The inverse relationship obtained between the area of arable land and the volume of agricultural products indicates that an increase by 1 ha of arable land will lead to a decrease in the volume of agricultural produce. On the contrary, an increase in the area of pastures by 1 ha increases the volume of gross agricultural output by 35 thousand rubles annually. In the current socio-economic conditions of the Republic of Buryatia, it is more economically efficient to use fallow lands as natural forage lands. By calculating the area of fallow lands and analyzing the possibility of using them to obtain livestock products, it is possible to calculate how much income post-agrarian landscapes can provide in the event of their the recultivation.

Formation conditions and geoecological features of the Engorboi thermal spring (Republic of Buryatia)

Dobretsov Geological Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: hydrotherms, chemical composition of water, silicon geothermometer, faults, recreational potential, balneology

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This article presents the results from studying the Engorboi thermal spring located in the Zakamensky district of the Republic of Buryatia (southwestern Transbaikalia). This spring is unique in its chemical composition and geological conditions. It is the only nitrogen thermal spring outside the Baikal Rift Zone in Western Transbaikalia. It belongs to the Baikal arch Neogene-Quaternary uplift. Its discharging takes place in the spurs of the Dzhida Range which belongs to the Khamar-Daban mountain system. The geological and geographical structure features of the surrounding territory and the hydrogeological conditions of water discharging are presented. The spring is unloaded in fissured rocks formed under tension conditions during uplift of the Paleozoic granite massif. The spring outlet is located at the intersection of a large northwest-trending fault with a sublatitudinal fault. The water composition is formed upon contact with intrusive, effusive, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Quaternary age. New data on the macro- and microcomponent composition of water are provided. According to its chemical composition, water belongs to the hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate calcium-sodium type with a mineralization above 1 g/L. It is demonstrated that the spring is characterized by high content of balneologically active components: chloride, fluoride, and silicic acid. Using a silicon geothermometer, the water spring temperature and the formation depth of hydrotherms were estimated as 82 °C and 3,6 km, respectively. A characteristic of the current status and prospects for using the spring for medical and recreational purposes are given.

Giant aufeis-taryns in the north-east of Russia

1Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia
4State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: permafrost, aufeis resources, aufeis regulation, distribution and dynamics of aufeis, mapping, aufeis hazard

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We describe the approach to the preparation and contents of the Atlas of giant aufeis-taryns, a specific form of glaciation in the northeastern part of the Eurasian continent resulting from freezing of groundwater which flows out to the surface. The atlas consists of two parts: illustrative-textual, and cartographic. Part I covers the history of the studies of giant aufeis-taryns, and the dependence of aufeis fields on permafrost-hydrogeological, hydroclimatic, geomorphological and geotectonic conditions have been shown in digitized small-scale maps. A special section of the atlas is devoted to hazardous glacial and permafrost-geological phenomena on which the engineering development of the terrain depends. Results of the study indicate that about 5 % of the territory of the north-east of Russia relates to the aufeis-hazardous zone. Part II contains more than 100 maps of the distribution of aufeis-taryns along the basins of the main rivers of the north-east of Russia (Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, Anadyr, and Penzhina). The maps display the current position and size of about 7000 aufeis fields as identified from Landsat and Sentinel-2 images, and their comparison with the Cadastre of Aufeis by A.S. Simakov and Z.G. Shilnikovskaya (1958) is presented. An analysis of the collected material showed an ambiguous dynamics of aufeis fields. On the one hand, their number increased by the 21st century and, on the other, the total aufeis area before the start of ablation decreased. Information on the historical and modern location of aufeis fields is presented in the form of a digital database for large rivers of the north-east of Russia. Most of the collected material in the Atlas needs detailed analysis.

Indicators of the transition of Russia to low-carbon development

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: carbon intensity, low-carbon development, input-output model, Sustainable Development Goals, renewable energy, forests of the Russian Arctic

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This article discusses some approaches to building a system of indicators reflecting the state and dynamics of the transition to low-carbon development in Russia. To this end, the authors analyzed a system of indicators reflecting progress in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the context of transition to a low-carbon economy. As part of the study, additional indicators were proposed and partially calculated, which were proposed for inclusion in the system (such as the carbon footprint of use and production in Russia in order to use the net carbon export indicator). CO2 emissions contained in manufactured goods and implicit in exports were calculated on the basis of an input-output model. In addition, the indicators of carbon dioxide absorption by forests in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation were considered. This indicator was obtained on the basis of conversion-volumetric coefficients in the context of age groups. The experience of China and Germany in the development of renewable energy is considered, the analysis of the energy intensity indicators of the regions of Russia is conducted, the indicators of absorption of greenhouse gases by forests are calculated, and proposals are made to improve the indicators of low-carbon development. The study revealed a significant gap between produced and consumed carbon dioxide emissions, which is determined by a large export of carbon emissions, while the volume of carbon emissions from the forests of the Russian Arctic is 168,8 million tons of CO2 per year. The proposed system of indicators of the transition to low-carbon development for various levels complements the known indicators of the low-carbon segment of the Sustainable Development Goals with relevant indicators, such as an increase in electricity production from renewable sources, the share of public transport running on batteries, and carbon absorption by ecosystems. Currently, the system includes ten indicators, representing four main areas (energy intensity, carbon intensity, introduction of cleaner energy sources, and carbon uptake by ecosystems).

Analysis of electoral preferences of residents of the northern districts of Eastern Siberia

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: prerequisites for support, political parties, multivariate models, statistical dependence, regression analysis, socio-economic characteristics of the voter

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This article analyzes the survey data for residents of the northern municipal districts of Eastern Siberia. Respondents were asked questions regarding their political behavior, socio-economic status, gender, age, and quality of life. Based on the consideration for ethnic homogeneity and the predominance of the old-timer population, which determine the greater reliability of the results, it was found that in Siberia the most suitable territory for research are the regions of Eastern Siberia equated to the regions of the Far North. Based on the results of field studies using sequential regression analysis algorithms, a group of the most significant predictors included in multifactorial models of electoral preference was identified. The use of such models, in comparison with one-factor models, makes it possible to more accurately assess the expected results of elections. Statistically significant features of the respondents’ electoral preferences are revealed. In particular, it is shown that men are more inclined to choose the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “other parties”. Three-quarters of the women polled are in favor of United Russia, and industrial workers, compared with other groups of the population, are much less likely to support this party. It has been established that age as a factor influencing the electoral choice is, most likely, an indicator of the influence of other factors. Parametric portraits of typical supporters of the main political parties are compiled.

Probabilistic models of extreme flood water discharges in the rivers of Cisbaikalia

1Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: maximum flood runoff, truncation of distributions, joint analysis, zoning, extreme hydrological events, integrated approach

Abstract >>
This article considers the possibility of using probabilistic models to analyze the maximum flow discharges of rivers in order to obtain reliable calculated statistical characteristics for hydrologically poorly studied basins. The study was carried out by using Cisbaikalia as an example, which is characterized by a flood regime of river flow. It was found that floods in the study area most often occur in the summer (July-August), which is associated with the climatic characteristics of the region, and are often destructive. The analysis of the maximum flow of rivers is based on data from the Roshydromet observation network. The series of maximum water discharges were checked for homogeneity and, in general, no disturbances in the steady state of runoff caused by climate changes were detected. As the main probabilistic model, a generalized distribution of extremes is proposed, the parameters of which are recommended to be determined on the basis of group analysis. For the first time, an integrated approach has been applied, which combines well-known methods of hydrological calculations that are most often used to clarify the characteristics obtained for the runoff in the zone of extreme values, namely: the apparatus for truncation of distributions, joint analysis of data, use of a reduction formula with reduction of the drain modulus value not only to the area of 200 km2, but also to the average height of basins in the region, as well as the method of probability of probabilities for estimation of obtained results. These methods are all recommended by regulatory documents for effluent calculations and are most often used separately. The comprehensive approach described by the authors makes it possible to take into account the features of the formation of runoff in the zone of extreme values and obtain more accurate values of characteristic quantiles of a given probability of excess for use in design on poorly studied rivers of the region.

Analysis of the accuracy of assessing databases and regression models of global solar radiation for the eastern part of Russia

Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: solar radiation, regression model, satellite-based data, reanalysis, accuracy comparison

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The efficient use of solar energy requires an accurate assessment of the incoming solar radiation. The study involves comparing the accuracy of monthly means of the global solar radiation flux from the ERA5 reanalysis database, the SYN1deg satellite-based observation database, climate reference data, and data of regression models for seven settlements in the east of Russia. The study employs two well-known regression models, including parameters of extraterrestrial solar radiation, total cloudiness, air humidity, minimum and maximum air temperature, atmospheric pressure, and a new regression model, which additionally includes parameters of low-level cloudiness and sun elevation angle. The accuracy of databases and regression models is evaluated by comparing their data with ground measurements of weather stations. The indices of the mean absolute error, root-mean-square error, and mean bias error are calculated. The comparison shows that the data of climate reference books for the period from 1937-1957 to 1980 have the smallest deviation from the estimates of the monthly mean flux of global solar radiation for 2006-2020 at most of the points discussed. The ERA5 monthly mean estimates of the global solar radiation flux are more accurate than the SYN1deg data at five of the seven points considered. The new regression model proposed in the study makes it possible to provide greater accuracy of monthly estimates of the global solar radiation flux compared to the data of SYN1deg and ERA5 for most of the points considered.

Methodological approaches in assessing economic damage to forests (a case study of the shores of Lake Baikal and the Irkutsk reservoir)

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: flooding, abrasion, water erosion, waterlogging, ecosystem functions (services) of the forest, resources of timber and secondary use

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This paper is concerned with the analysis an assessment of the current state of forest vegetation growing in areas prone to flooding and abrasion on the shores of the Irkutsk reservoir and Lake Baikal (Irkutsk oblast), database generation, mapping and calculation of the areas of these sites as well as the analysis of methods that can be used to assess the economic damage from losses of forest. Geobotanical, cartographic, forest inventory, geoinformation-analytical and other methods were used in this study. It was found that the processes of periodic flooding have a negative impact on the forests of the shores forming, on the site of the original forest phytocenoses, forest stands with a predominance of moss-sedge communities with various types of shrubs. Rare fragments of forest vegetation in the flooded areas occupy less than 1 % of their total area and are represented by low quality, sparse forms of forest stands. It has been established that flooding processes limit the use of land in almost all types of activities. Intense abrasion processes occurring on the shores of the lake and the reservoir, which irreversibly remove land from all types of activity, pose a significant danger. Forested areas on the shores of the Irkutsk reservoir fall into the risk zone to the greatest extent, where their share of the area of abrasion areas located here reaches more than 87 % or almost 42 % of the forested lands in all abrasion areas. An analysis of the current methods showed that the most appropriate for calculating the direct loss of forests as part of economic damage, in particular, its production function, are the rates of payment for a unit of wood and other forest resources. To determine the productivity of forest resources per unit of forested area, regional data and approaches should be used. For a comprehensive assessment of the loss of various functions of forests, regional cadastral valuations of lands of forest resources can also be applied.

Cryogenic landforms of the Altai highlands (a case study of the Tavan Bogd National Park, Western Mongolia)

1Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia
2Mongolian National University of Education, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
3Vernadsky State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Altai mountain system, surface, satellite data, field research method, cryogenic landforms, geotourism

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The transboundary part of the Altai mountains has been investigated. It was established that it is characterized by a set of geomorphological elements due to the altitudinal position, geological structure, neotectonic activity, modern and paleo-climatic conditions, and exogenous relief-forming processes. In the highlands of the Mongolian Altai, landforms associated with the formation, movement and melting of ice are widespread. The geological activity of glaciers, the work of melt water, and the presence of permafrost give rise to bright forms. The formation of the appearance of mountain landscapes and the transformation of the surface are associated with actively ongoing slope processes: avalanches, mudflows, landslides and rock falls. It was found that the objects of cryogenic genesis are landforms differing in scale, structure and location. They include: snow-ice, rock-ice formations, solifluction forms, areas with frost mounds (palza), polygonal and structural soils, aufeis, etc. It is concluded that the most representative objects of cryogenic genesis illustrating the geological work of ice are: modern glacial complexes, rock glaciers and rock streams. Glaciers constitute the main element of the high-mountain zone for complex conjugated cryogenic forms. In addition to them, smaller forms stand out, the formation of which is associated with the processes of soil change under the influence of permafrost and gravitational processes. Regularities are observed in the structure and arrangement of the landforms in the alpine zone. On the basis of information from field routes, satellite data interpretation and the use of GIS capabilities, we analyzed the distribution of cryogenic landforms. Material was prepared on the basis of working with a digital elevation model. A list (catalog) of natural cryogenic objects of different categories identified within the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park has been compiled. The study confirmed that the landforms of the highlands are of interest for further study, replenishment of the catalog of objects and development of thematic tourism.