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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2022 year, number 7

Analysis of the correctness of retrieval of vertical atmospheric temperature distribution from lidar signals of molecular scattering at the main lidar of the Siberian lidar station

S.M. Bobrovnikov, V.I. Zharkov, N.G. Zaitsev, A.I. Nadeev, D.A. Trifonov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: lidar, atmosphere, temperature, Rayleigh scattering


The methodological issues of lidar measurements of the vertical distribution of atmospheric temperature up to altitudes of 90 km are considered. The method is based on the lidar measurements of the atmospheric molecular density vertical profile using the Rayleigh scattering effect. The results obtained in the upgraded channel of the Rayleigh scattering of the lidar based on the main mirror of the Siberian lidar station with a diameter of 2.2 m are discussed. An improved technique for the retrieval of temperature from molecular backscattering lidar signals is proposed. Numerical experiments have shown that the accuracy of the temperature profile retrieval depends on the choice of the position of the calibration point and the error in setting the temperature in it. The temperature profile retrieval technique, when the calibration point is chosen at the top of the sounding path, is more stable and provides a smaller error compared to calculations provided that the calibration point is chosen at the beginning of the path. The comparison of the results of temperature retrieval from the real lidar responses with the satellite measurement data revealed significant discrepancies associated with the distorting instrumental and atmospheric effects on the shape of the lidar signal. The use of a correction procedure based on the lidar calibration can significantly reduce measurement errors.